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RailsConf 2017: The Effective Remote Developer by David Copeland
The Effective Remote Developer
RailsConf 2019 - Database Design for Beginners by David Copeland
RailsConf 2017: A Deep Dive Into Sessions by Justin Weiss
RailsConf 2017: Tricks and treats for new developers by David Padilla
The Effective Remote Developer
RailsConf 2017: Opening Keynote by David Heinemeier Hansson
RailsConf 2017: Open Sourcing: Real Talk by Andrew Evans
RailsConf 2017: 5 Years of Rails Scaling to 80k RPS by Simon Eskildsen
RubyConf 2019 - The Fewer the Concepts, the Better the Code by David Copeland
RailsConf 2017: In Relentless Pursuit of REST by Derek Prior
RailsConf 2017 But Doesn't Rails Take Care of Security for Me by Justin Collins